I know you have a million questions about how to properly train your dog. I want to help you get started with a few training essentials. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, or you come up with some questions of your own, please let me know. Making new connections and developing lasting relationships with my clients is a passion of mine.


Foundation Training

Michael Ellis Philosophy of Dog Training Video

No matter how many times I watch this video it's so good and I always pick up something new.

Ivan Balabanov Introduction video

This video is a great explanation of his background and theory, and why his methods are so important to understand.

HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DOG || Ivan Balabanov explains his revolutionary Chase & Catch training lesson.

If you have a scared dog, an anxious dog, or your dog is afraid of strangers, this video can help you improve their confidence. If you have an aggressive dog, this lesson can also help you to train your aggressive dog to accept strangers in a fun and positive way through play! This lesson provides an incredible aggressive dog training tutorial that can save your dog's life!

Using Marker Words in Training 

A great article explaining the use of markers in training and why it's important. 


The best dog training videos I’ve found! Check out their library of free courses.

Behavior Modification Training 

On Dog Reactivity 

This is one of the most common issues I get asked about. Check out these three resources and contact me to get some help reclaiming your walks and create a plan to help your dog be safe and secure. 

​JJ Belcher on Resource Guarding Video 

Resource Guarding is when a dog has an object and wants to protect it from getting taken away. This is most common with food, toys, or bones. In this video, JJ Belcher explains how to properly train your dog so that they don’t feel the need to resource guard.

​Additional Resources 


Online resources for dog owners, working and pets! 10,000 articles, online catalog and more. 

The Collared Scholar Blog 

Fantastic blog with tons of excellent articles and resources for training and behavior questions.  

Dave Kroyer 

Huge training resources! He has free videos and a subscription service if you want insider access. 

Larry Krohn 

Excellent trainer with a lot of great videos and resources. His book on e-collar work is one of the best.

Training Equipment

K9 Tactical Gear Dog Sport Gear Treasure State K9 Gear German Shepherd Shop Ray Allen K9

Recommended Reading

​In addition to the resources I've shared these are some of the best books on dogs, training and dogs psychology I've found! Most can be found through amazon or on thriftbooks.com if you're looking for a deal. 

The Ultimate Service Dog Training Manuel by Keagan Grace

Don't Shoot the Dog!: The New Art of Teaching and Training by Karen Pryor

Canine Body Language : A Photographic Guide: Interpreting the Native Language of the Domestic Dog by Brenda Aloff

Everything You Need to Know about e Collar Training by Larry Krohn

Patricia B. McConnell

The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs

The Cautious Canine 

I'll be Home Soon! 

The Puppy Primer 

How Dogs Learn by Mary R. Burch

How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend: The Classic Training Manual for Dog Owners by Marc Goldberg and the Monks of New Skete

Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson